
A blog specially set up to heed the government's calling to create ties between Malaysia & Japan ;)

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Exactly ONE week before Japan...

Hey dear friends...

Yes, this is me writing to you exactly ONE week before I leave for Japan. Have been really busy preparing. I am oh-so-excited mixed with a teeny-weeny bit of nervousness. It's like mixing teh tarik with bak kut teh, haha! All my clothes are lying on the bed. How I wish they can just jump into my luggage bag folded and fit in nicely.

I am currently back in the Land of White Coffee (and pretty girls) to be with my brother who has just passed his driving licence, risking my life to sit at the passenger seat next to him. In return, he accompanied me to do my last minute shopping and white-coffee-drinking marathon (breakfast, lunch, tea... if the shop is open at night, dinner as well).

I will be spending my next week in KL. Would love to meet up with as many people as possible, so please do call me up for meals, shopping or party. Not that I will be in away for 3 years... but in case apa-apa terjadi (sentuh kayu) at least you would not miss me too much :)

Til then... I will write again when I have reach the Land of the Rising Sun!


  • At 4:50 AM, Blogger Amy said…

    mmm...enjoy urself and take care ;)

  • At 9:39 AM, Blogger gnileno said…

    Hey, i will miss you. enjoy in Japan.

  • At 12:29 AM, Blogger YoursLovely said…

    hey gal..... bad internet connection in the technology-bombarded country?! Please check mail often..and do drop a mail or something to the LC yahoogroups indicating u're still alve and kicking in japan

  • At 6:58 AM, Blogger Vkin said…

    yo babe... more than 1 week liao u in japan.... 'playing' with the jap guys d ar? :p why no update leh.... :p

    hope u having loads of fun yeah!


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